Thursday, January 14, 2010

Preparations have begun

Well the Holiday's flew by. We had a wonderful time in Louisiana with the family.
Oscar waiting for his gift

Christmas at the Buckle's

Its a Girl!!

Mom and Dad recieved the painting I made them.

We found out on Dec 23, that we are having a baby girl! We are very excited and have begun preparing the house for the miniature human to arrive!

We just finished painting the room a lovely shade of green and built all of the big furniture. As you can probably guess, the room has an Owl theme!

I have begun to really start showing and we have begun feeling little kicks now and then, mainly when I need to eat!

I have mostly been craving milk (I drink almost 1/2 gallen per day!!!), I haven't been very interested in sweets, and I have been wanting to eat Indian food more than usual... which is a lot.

We will keep you posted on new happenings!!

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