Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My new favorite dairy free milk!!

Well as most of you know, David and I are pescetarians (Vegetarians that eat fish). Although we currently still use eggs and milk and other animal products, just not meat.
I took my first trip to

It was not all that I have heard it was but it was pretty cool. There are lots of things that you can't find very often at very reasonable prices. Especially for us vegetarians.
Anyway, I have discovered my new favorite milk beverage. I have been wanting to stop drinking milk for a while but I HATE Soy Milk. Something about it just doesn't do it for me. I decided to try Almond milk. Tonight I tried

and it was wonderful.
So for all of you vegetarians or lactose intolerant folks (Ashley). Give it a shot. You will not regret it. Oh, and while we are talking about almonds and Blue Diamond products...you gotta try these also.

Jalapeno Smokehouse Almonds

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Just wanted to post a pic from my cousin's wedding last month! Marcie and Chris Buckle are offically married! Yay! It was a great wedding and it was great to spend time with the family in Baton Rouge!
Aren't we pretty!!!???!!!
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Sunday, March 8, 2009


My homies Zach & Collie rockin out with Ashley Arrison!
Check em out! Word