Monday, September 22, 2008

A Blog to Blog

Well today I was proven wrong! I assumed no one read my blogs, so I have been updating at my leisure. It doesn't help that we do not have internet at home right now. I was recently prompted by one of my 2 subscribers, that I needed to update! So thanks Ash!
I don't know if anyone has heard about the chaos that has been going on in Nashville, TN.
They "say" that a rumored sparked a Citywide Scare! People thought that we were running out of gas because of a line shortage caused by Hurricane Ike. That scare prompted practically everyone in Nashville to rush to the gas station and fill up every vehicle they own, including boats and lawn mowers.
By Friday of last week, over 85% of the gas stations in Nashville city limits, was out of gas. This caused even more people to panic.
So all weekend there were 2-3 hour LINES to get gas at the remaining gas stations, who of course started price gauging.
As of Sunday, officials have stated that in the past week, Nashville used 4 TIMES the amount of gas it usually uses.
Which means that if everyone would have took a deep breath and kpt using gas NORMALLY... we would not have ran out of gas.
Well as you can imagine, this sparked major controversy, conspiracy theories, and some very funny blogs.
I have included my favorite.
*** Please be aware that there is &#$% in the subtitles in this video footage. RATED R!***
Love ya'll. Hope you can have a laugh at our expense!

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

So long Gustav...

Storm Update:
Well the storm has almost passed. I hope everyone is doing ok. I have spoke with my mom briefly. The town of Baton Rouge is in shambles right now. Hardly anyone has electricity right now. They were starving so Mom is currently trying to get Chinese food from one of they only restaurants open in town. But I'm pretty sure everyone else had the same idea!
Gustav is headed to TX. Jesse is in Plano so he will be getting some of the rain. I sure do wish that storm would hit some low pressure and head towards Nashville. We are in desperate need of some rain right now!!
Ok.. everyone in TX, start blowing and faces all your fans towards the East. Lets get Gustav to Nashville!! haha!
See ya

Monday, September 1, 2008


Well this hurricane is freakin me out. Not very many of our hurricanes make a bee line for my hometown of Baton Rouge, La. This one is. I am glued to the computer and checking in on the family to give them updates.

So far, just wind damage. My parents have big limbs down and the neighbors' wooden fence has collapsed in to the yard.

So as of now, everyone is doing ok. The are in the thick of it now, with the eye moving closer and closer to them. Keeping my fingers crossed that Gustav looses his mojo soon!
Stay safe,