Friday, October 31, 2008


Ok, So I am not usually a huge fan of Indi Rock. Especially the really loud kind. Well we went to Mercy Lounge last night because some friends from L.A. were in town. We paid $12 to see a band I have never heard of.
Needless to say, I wasn't very happy about that. On top of the fact that I felt like I stepped into a time machine. WHAT has happened to fashion...I am sooo out of the loop I guess! Maybe I'm just getting old.

ANYWAY... after sitting through some very; can I put this nicely... very interesting openers.. was that nice enough?; DeerHoof came on stage. From that moment on, I was in utter euphoria. Now of course being the wuss that I am, I did have to cover my ears a few times.
But they were so entertaining. I couldn't exactly tell what they were singing about, but I couldn't take my eyes off of them. They were laughing, and climbing on gear and dancing.
The drummer, OMG..thats all I can say! He is AMAZING!
So in conclusion, great band to watch. Here a video of them so you can get a small dose of how silly they are.

Come See The Duck!

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Twilight Series

Ok. So if you have not started reading the Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer...then Ladies...go, run, now, to the bookstore.

My bestest friend, Ashley Arrison turned me onto it. The thought of another "series" intrigued me. I have not been addicted to a book since last year when I finished all of the Harry Potter books (You should read those too).
I had no idea what the books were about, but I loved the idea of another series. One book is sometimes just not enough!

I went to buy the first book and while standing at the checkout counter, I realized what the story was about...Really?!?
I had to call Ashley to make sure I was buying the right book.
Oh man, I wish I could tell you the amazing details about this book!
I have just finished book#2. I am absolutely head over heels in love with the characters. I have been staying up till 4am to finish each book. I just can not put them down.

For those of you that have not read it yet, I won't spoil any of the amazing details.
But, hurry now. The 1st book is coming out in theaters on 12.12.08, so make sure you read it by then!

If you start reading the Twilight Series, let me know so we can chat and gush together!!!