Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My new favorite dairy free milk!!

Well as most of you know, David and I are pescetarians (Vegetarians that eat fish). Although we currently still use eggs and milk and other animal products, just not meat.
I took my first trip to

It was not all that I have heard it was but it was pretty cool. There are lots of things that you can't find very often at very reasonable prices. Especially for us vegetarians.
Anyway, I have discovered my new favorite milk beverage. I have been wanting to stop drinking milk for a while but I HATE Soy Milk. Something about it just doesn't do it for me. I decided to try Almond milk. Tonight I tried

and it was wonderful.
So for all of you vegetarians or lactose intolerant folks (Ashley). Give it a shot. You will not regret it. Oh, and while we are talking about almonds and Blue Diamond products...you gotta try these also.

Jalapeno Smokehouse Almonds

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I'll have to scope out that stuff!!! Anything has to taste better than soy milk! The only one I like is the Silk Very Vanilla (the kiddie one). I guess they figure kids are picky so the upped the flavor in it!

We definately need to hang out... maybe by then I will have even more freedom!!!