Lets see, There was working at the Humane Society. Then there was Bike Riding. Then there was jogging. Then there was Wii & Wii Fit. Then there was cake decorating (although I still do and enjoy that). I enjoy cooking. Recently I have wanted to buy a sewing machine to begin sewing (or learning how to sew). There are most likely more that I am forgetting...
Well the Hobby of the week is Painting. Acrylic on Canvas.
It all started when my oldest and bested friend, Ashley found out she was going to be having a baby. I remembered something she used to say when were were, like 4 years old.
And I knew that I wanted to get her something with that on it. Well It was easy enough to find bits and pieces of the saying but not all the aspects that I wanted.
So that led to the idea "Hey, I'll just paint it myself"
So I went to the local artist supply store and stacked up all kind of stuff that I had not idea how to use..
Then I just did it! So far, I have loved the process of painting.
Today, my lovely husband help me set up a little studio space so that I dont have paint laying around the entire house.
Here is a pic of my studio:
And here is a pic of my starting my first paint project "Hayden's Moon"

I will allow Ashley to post the final pic once she has recieved it, so no sneak peaks. I hope it is perfect for Hayben, but if not at least I had a blast doing it. On to Project #2!!!
I know exactly where this is going and by the looks of it, it will fit PERFECTLY!!!!
haha! You have no idea! But, Its done!!Yay! I am going to polyurethane it tonight. That way, if little Hayden decides to touch it or throw it, it can't be messed up!
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