Well as most of you may know, I finished the Twilight Series and went to see the movies with Ashley & Danielle. The movie was.. pretty bad. But it was still great! I love this story so much, I would have went to see it if the movie budget was $100. I hear they will be making the Sequels. Yay!
So once I finished Twilight, I was finding that I had a lot of free time...and wanted to fill that void with a new book.
I have read a few books since Twilight.. most were purchased because of a suggestion *See What we Are Reading section<--). There hasn't been anything that has hooked me like Twilight..
So I started looking for Vampire books thinking, "Maybe I really just like vampires". So I found a new Vampire book called House of Night...AND it's a series.
I think its not the vampires.. (Although I do like reading about vampires because they don't scare me anymore!). Its the fact that once I rush through the book (cuz if its good, I WILL rush), there is more to the story in the next book. I think a series allows the author and reader to get more details about the story, plot, and characters.
So the House of Night series has published 4 out of the 9 books that will be in the series. I've read 2 so far (and 2 more or in the mail heading from Barnes & Nobles). I have heard they may be making this one into a movie as well?!?!
The next series that I will be reading is another Vampire series which the HBO/Showtime show True Blood was taken from. I've heard the show is great, so I'll have to buy the Season later.
And if you haven't signed up for a Barnes & Nobles membership, you should. Members get GREAT online discounts and free shipping. (There was my pitch for the day)
PS. I baked some Turkey Day cupcakes, so pictures coming soon!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
This is a quiz about your hubby! Let's see how much you know, and then pass it on to learn more about your friend's Hubbys!!!!
Here we go...
1. He's sitting in front of the TV; what is on the screen? THE HISTORY CHANNEL OR FOOTBALL
2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? RANCH
3. What's one food he doesn't like? HMMM... CHICKEN & DUMPLINGS
4. You go to a bar. What does he order? WHISKEY & COKE
5. Where did he go to high school? REDMOND HS
6. What size shoe does he wear? 11-11.5
7. If he was to collect anything what would it be? GUITARS
8. What is his favorite kind of sandwich? PORTOBELLO & SWISS
9. What would this person eat every day if he could? SUSHI
10. What is his favorite cereal? HONEY BUNCHES OF OATS
12. What is his favorite sports team? A NUMBER OF PRO TEAMS & LSU BY MARRIAGE
13. Who is his best friend? LYNN, RYAN, JIM, TOM
14. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? GET HEADACHES
15. How many states has he lived in? OREGON, NEW YORK, LAS VEGAS, NASHVILLE
16. What is his heritage? LAPLANDER
17. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake? ANYTHING BECAUSE HE WONT EACH MUCH OF IT
18. Did he play sports in high school? RODEO
19. What could he spend hours doing? PLAYING MUSIC, YOU TUBING
20. What's his worst habit? CAN ONLY FOCUS ON ONE THING AT A TIME
Now it's your turn...
Here we go...
1. He's sitting in front of the TV; what is on the screen? THE HISTORY CHANNEL OR FOOTBALL
2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad? RANCH
3. What's one food he doesn't like? HMMM... CHICKEN & DUMPLINGS
4. You go to a bar. What does he order? WHISKEY & COKE
5. Where did he go to high school? REDMOND HS
6. What size shoe does he wear? 11-11.5
7. If he was to collect anything what would it be? GUITARS
8. What is his favorite kind of sandwich? PORTOBELLO & SWISS
9. What would this person eat every day if he could? SUSHI
10. What is his favorite cereal? HONEY BUNCHES OF OATS
12. What is his favorite sports team? A NUMBER OF PRO TEAMS & LSU BY MARRIAGE
13. Who is his best friend? LYNN, RYAN, JIM, TOM
14. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? GET HEADACHES
15. How many states has he lived in? OREGON, NEW YORK, LAS VEGAS, NASHVILLE
16. What is his heritage? LAPLANDER
17. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake? ANYTHING BECAUSE HE WONT EACH MUCH OF IT
18. Did he play sports in high school? RODEO
19. What could he spend hours doing? PLAYING MUSIC, YOU TUBING
20. What's his worst habit? CAN ONLY FOCUS ON ONE THING AT A TIME
Now it's your turn...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Ok, So I am not usually a huge fan of Indi Rock. Especially the really loud kind. Well we went to Mercy Lounge last night because some friends from L.A. were in town. We paid $12 to see a band I have never heard of.
Needless to say, I wasn't very happy about that. On top of the fact that I felt like I stepped into a time machine. WHAT has happened to fashion...I am sooo out of the loop I guess! Maybe I'm just getting old.
ANYWAY... after sitting through some very;...how can I put this nicely... very interesting openers.. was that nice enough?; DeerHoof came on stage. From that moment on, I was in utter euphoria. Now of course being the wuss that I am, I did have to cover my ears a few times.
But they were so entertaining. I couldn't exactly tell what they were singing about, but I couldn't take my eyes off of them. They were laughing, and climbing on gear and dancing.
The drummer, OMG..thats all I can say! He is AMAZING!
So in conclusion, great band to watch. Here a video of them so you can get a small dose of how silly they are.
Come See The Duck!
Needless to say, I wasn't very happy about that. On top of the fact that I felt like I stepped into a time machine. WHAT has happened to fashion...I am sooo out of the loop I guess! Maybe I'm just getting old.
ANYWAY... after sitting through some very;...how can I put this nicely... very interesting openers.. was that nice enough?; DeerHoof came on stage. From that moment on, I was in utter euphoria. Now of course being the wuss that I am, I did have to cover my ears a few times.
But they were so entertaining. I couldn't exactly tell what they were singing about, but I couldn't take my eyes off of them. They were laughing, and climbing on gear and dancing.
The drummer, OMG..thats all I can say! He is AMAZING!
So in conclusion, great band to watch. Here a video of them so you can get a small dose of how silly they are.
Come See The Duck!
Friday, October 3, 2008
The Twilight Series
Ok. So if you have not started reading the Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer...then Ladies...go, run, now, to the bookstore.
My bestest friend, Ashley Arrison turned me onto it. The thought of another "series" intrigued me. I have not been addicted to a book since last year when I finished all of the Harry Potter books (You should read those too).
I had no idea what the books were about, but I loved the idea of another series. One book is sometimes just not enough!
I went to buy the first book and while standing at the checkout counter, I realized what the story was about...Really?!?
I had to call Ashley to make sure I was buying the right book.
Oh man, I wish I could tell you the amazing details about this book!
I have just finished book#2. I am absolutely head over heels in love with the characters. I have been staying up till 4am to finish each book. I just can not put them down.
For those of you that have not read it yet, I won't spoil any of the amazing details.
But, hurry now. The 1st book is coming out in theaters on 12.12.08, so make sure you read it by then!
If you start reading the Twilight Series, let me know so we can chat and gush together!!!
My bestest friend, Ashley Arrison turned me onto it. The thought of another "series" intrigued me. I have not been addicted to a book since last year when I finished all of the Harry Potter books (You should read those too).
I had no idea what the books were about, but I loved the idea of another series. One book is sometimes just not enough!
I went to buy the first book and while standing at the checkout counter, I realized what the story was about...Really?!?
I had to call Ashley to make sure I was buying the right book.
Oh man, I wish I could tell you the amazing details about this book!
I have just finished book#2. I am absolutely head over heels in love with the characters. I have been staying up till 4am to finish each book. I just can not put them down.
For those of you that have not read it yet, I won't spoil any of the amazing details.
But, hurry now. The 1st book is coming out in theaters on 12.12.08, so make sure you read it by then!
If you start reading the Twilight Series, let me know so we can chat and gush together!!!
Monday, September 22, 2008
A Blog to Blog
Well today I was proven wrong! I assumed no one read my blogs, so I have been updating at my leisure. It doesn't help that we do not have internet at home right now. I was recently prompted by one of my 2 subscribers, that I needed to update! So thanks Ash!
I don't know if anyone has heard about the chaos that has been going on in Nashville, TN.
They "say" that a rumored sparked a Citywide Scare! People thought that we were running out of gas because of a line shortage caused by Hurricane Ike. That scare prompted practically everyone in Nashville to rush to the gas station and fill up every vehicle they own, including boats and lawn mowers.
By Friday of last week, over 85% of the gas stations in Nashville city limits, was out of gas. This caused even more people to panic.
So all weekend there were 2-3 hour LINES to get gas at the remaining gas stations, who of course started price gauging.
As of Sunday, officials have stated that in the past week, Nashville used 4 TIMES the amount of gas it usually uses.
Which means that if everyone would have took a deep breath and kpt using gas NORMALLY... we would not have ran out of gas.
Well as you can imagine, this sparked major controversy, conspiracy theories, and some very funny blogs.
I have included my favorite.
*** Please be aware that there is $% in the subtitles in this video footage. RATED R!***
Love ya'll. Hope you can have a laugh at our expense!
This video make take a minute to load.
If it does not load, you may view it HERE!
I don't know if anyone has heard about the chaos that has been going on in Nashville, TN.
They "say" that a rumored sparked a Citywide Scare! People thought that we were running out of gas because of a line shortage caused by Hurricane Ike. That scare prompted practically everyone in Nashville to rush to the gas station and fill up every vehicle they own, including boats and lawn mowers.
By Friday of last week, over 85% of the gas stations in Nashville city limits, was out of gas. This caused even more people to panic.
So all weekend there were 2-3 hour LINES to get gas at the remaining gas stations, who of course started price gauging.
As of Sunday, officials have stated that in the past week, Nashville used 4 TIMES the amount of gas it usually uses.
Which means that if everyone would have took a deep breath and kpt using gas NORMALLY... we would not have ran out of gas.
Well as you can imagine, this sparked major controversy, conspiracy theories, and some very funny blogs.
I have included my favorite.
*** Please be aware that there is $% in the subtitles in this video footage. RATED R!***
Love ya'll. Hope you can have a laugh at our expense!
This video make take a minute to load.
If it does not load, you may view it HERE!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
So long Gustav...
Storm Update:
Well the storm has almost passed. I hope everyone is doing ok. I have spoke with my mom briefly. The town of Baton Rouge is in shambles right now. Hardly anyone has electricity right now. They were starving so Mom is currently trying to get Chinese food from one of they only restaurants open in town. But I'm pretty sure everyone else had the same idea!
Gustav is headed to TX. Jesse is in Plano so he will be getting some of the rain. I sure do wish that storm would hit some low pressure and head towards Nashville. We are in desperate need of some rain right now!!
Ok.. everyone in TX, start blowing and faces all your fans towards the East. Lets get Gustav to Nashville!! haha!
See ya
Well the storm has almost passed. I hope everyone is doing ok. I have spoke with my mom briefly. The town of Baton Rouge is in shambles right now. Hardly anyone has electricity right now. They were starving so Mom is currently trying to get Chinese food from one of they only restaurants open in town. But I'm pretty sure everyone else had the same idea!
Gustav is headed to TX. Jesse is in Plano so he will be getting some of the rain. I sure do wish that storm would hit some low pressure and head towards Nashville. We are in desperate need of some rain right now!!
Ok.. everyone in TX, start blowing and faces all your fans towards the East. Lets get Gustav to Nashville!! haha!
See ya
Monday, September 1, 2008

Well this hurricane is freakin me out. Not very many of our hurricanes make a bee line for my hometown of Baton Rouge, La. This one is. I am glued to the computer and checking in on the family to give them updates.
So far, just wind damage. My parents have big limbs down and the neighbors' wooden fence has collapsed in to the yard.
So as of now, everyone is doing ok. The are in the thick of it now, with the eye moving closer and closer to them. Keeping my fingers crossed that Gustav looses his mojo soon!
Stay safe,
Friday, August 29, 2008
And it begins...
Well first off... this is not my first blog. But Google decided that they would just up and terminate my email address.... still not sure why. But its not like anyone was reading it anyway. So here I am, starting a new blog.
I feel as though life is always like a roller coaster.. you are either on the uphill climb, taking a breather at the top, feeling weightless and you begin to drop into the downhill ride, or moving downhill while screaming at the top of your lungs; only to find out that you've got to do it all over again. All the while, the safety bar is digging into your hips.
I guess right now we are at the bottom working our way upward.
We went to my 10 year High School Reunion for Woodlawn HS. We ended up going last minute and I am really glad we did. As I expected, everyone still looked pretty much the same, or even better. And there were still of a few of us that are still kid less.
I was sooo happy to see my friend's Julie and Amanda. I really do love those girls, even though we haven't seen or talked to each other in...10 years. I think that how you know that you are truly some one's friend. You don't need to talk all the time or even hang out, but you know if you needed something or just had a little time on your hands, you could call them. And it would be like you just spoke last week..
Dave is doing well. He has been focusing more of his energy on his music. I am sooo glad because that makes him truly happy.
His is playing with one of his dearest friends, Ashley Arrison. She, my friends, is amazing. And I don't just say that because I like her, but she has so much talent and so much compassion for other people and her art. And I will do whatever is in my power to help her get to where she wants to be. Her and her fantabulous man, Aben Eubanks, will hopefully be moving to Nashville soon. I am very excited about having them here more often.
Time is flying by. David has now been living in Nashville for almost 12 yrs. Myself for 5 1/2 yrs. We have been married for 2 1/2 yrs and have owned our home for 3 yrs. I am beginning to feel my itch for change.
I have also recently fell in love with New York City, so hopefully I will be doing some more updating on my travels to NYC. What a great place!
Well David has a lot of shows coming up and we will keep you posted on our travels and adventures and ups and downs.
If you are in the path of Gustav, you are more than welcome to visit us for a while!
See ya when we see ya!
I feel as though life is always like a roller coaster.. you are either on the uphill climb, taking a breather at the top, feeling weightless and you begin to drop into the downhill ride, or moving downhill while screaming at the top of your lungs; only to find out that you've got to do it all over again. All the while, the safety bar is digging into your hips.
I guess right now we are at the bottom working our way upward.
We went to my 10 year High School Reunion for Woodlawn HS. We ended up going last minute and I am really glad we did. As I expected, everyone still looked pretty much the same, or even better. And there were still of a few of us that are still kid less.
I was sooo happy to see my friend's Julie and Amanda. I really do love those girls, even though we haven't seen or talked to each other in...10 years. I think that how you know that you are truly some one's friend. You don't need to talk all the time or even hang out, but you know if you needed something or just had a little time on your hands, you could call them. And it would be like you just spoke last week..
Dave is doing well. He has been focusing more of his energy on his music. I am sooo glad because that makes him truly happy.
His is playing with one of his dearest friends, Ashley Arrison. She, my friends, is amazing. And I don't just say that because I like her, but she has so much talent and so much compassion for other people and her art. And I will do whatever is in my power to help her get to where she wants to be. Her and her fantabulous man, Aben Eubanks, will hopefully be moving to Nashville soon. I am very excited about having them here more often.
Time is flying by. David has now been living in Nashville for almost 12 yrs. Myself for 5 1/2 yrs. We have been married for 2 1/2 yrs and have owned our home for 3 yrs. I am beginning to feel my itch for change.
I have also recently fell in love with New York City, so hopefully I will be doing some more updating on my travels to NYC. What a great place!
Well David has a lot of shows coming up and we will keep you posted on our travels and adventures and ups and downs.
If you are in the path of Gustav, you are more than welcome to visit us for a while!
See ya when we see ya!
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